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Jicara Jicaro Calabash from Latin America Native to Central South America Caribbean

Jícarx is a multi-ethnic brand that identifies with the geographical region of Latin America. 

As a consulting firm and brand which offers apparel with unique messaging (in Spanglish sometimes!) and specialty products from Central America and the Dominican Republic, our vision is to honour and celebrate nuestras historias, raíces, culturas and where we are today!*

Jícarx offers businesses/organizations/individuals support when seeking educational (and experiential) learning opportunities and/or consulting in an effort to build trusting, reciprocal and long-term relationships with BIPOC as equity-deserving communities with ties to Latin America. We can also share on allyship, learnings and experiences in working 12+ years working with/for the urban Indigenous community in Tkarōn:to (Toronto). 🌱

Feel free to connect with us via for public speaking engagements!

*Jícarx invites and welcomes all allies and co-conspirators to be part of our collective efforts and comunidad!

Copy of honouring my ancestors; un día a la vez.png



About the Brand

Our name comes from the "Jícara" or "Jícaro". These flowering extension of the tree is grows from, has variations across Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Africa.

It is a sacred and ancient tree for Indigenous peoples. Amongst other names, it is also known as Mexican Calabash, Morro, higüero, Totumo, Mate, Güira.

The Jícaro tree is a Sacred Tree to the Ancient Maya/Mesoamerican people and is in fact, part of our Creation story. 

The Jícaro plant was traditionally used (and still done so today!) for medicinal, food, artisanal and everyday purposes like utensils and containers.

Every part of this plant can be utilized.

Have you ever tried Horchata? These high-protein seeds is one example! Today, it is being explored for it's properties as a high-quality oil, similar to Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

We chose this name as a form of resistance and in acknowledgement of The Original People in the geographical region of what today is known as Latin America. Those who were uprooted and intentionally displaced through colonization, although, this still happens today. 

Like our ancestors, the seeds of these trees were not expected to survive certain conditions and genocide. However, they adapted to their environment and not only survived, but thrived.

Somos la Resistencía que nunca imagínaban.

This is truly para nosotrxs, de nosotrxs!

#LatinxaeoAmerica #Indigenous #Indígenxaeo #AfroCaribbean #Caribeñxaeo

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